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Couple Charged with Burglary & Criminal Mischief After Wrecking Pet Hospital


Prosecutors filed charges against a Miami couple that allegedly destroyed a pet hospital after their dog died. According to the police, a 31-year-old wife and a 34-year-old husband caused more than $5,000 worth of damage to the hospital when they began destroying printers, computers, window coverings, and medical equipment. The incident occurred after hospital staff told the husband and wife that their dog died during a surgical procedure.

The couple now faces allegations of disorderly conduct and criminal mischief. Miami police said that the couple brought their dog to the hospital for surgery. When they returned and discovered that their dog died, witnesses report that they became "extremely violent" and attempted to trash the inside of the hospital building. News sources report that husband and wife both plead not guilty to the accusations. The couple also faces allegations of burglary.
