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Florida "Party Princess" Wants Judge Removed from DUI Case


The self-proclaimed "party princess" from South Beach reportedly wants a different judge for her hit-and-run DUI case. According to defense attorneys, the Miami-Dade circuit judge indicated that the defendant, K.T., "made choices to drink." This statement could mean that the judge has preconceived notions about K.T.'s case, which could prevent her from receive a fair and unbiased trial. Attorneys from the case will appear before the judge tomorrow, news sources report.

K.T. was arrested at her condo in Miami Beach after allegedly running-down a pedestrian with her car. The prosecution claims that the defendant drove with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) nearing three times the legal limit (.08%). After heavy drinking, K.T. allegedly drove her vehicle into a pedestrian as he crossed the street, but failed to stop at the scene of the crim. A witness tried to flag-down the 20 year old party-goer, but she continued to drive home.

The young woman was originally charged with leaving the scene of the crime. After a toxicology report returned in mid-February, her charges were changed to include DUI manslaughter. It was at this hearing that the judge reportedly pre-judged the defendant, K.T.'s defense lawyer claims. In his motion, the attorney said that the statement demonstrated "that the court has pre-judged her guilty." Whether or not the judge will be removed from the case remains unknown.

As Miami DUI defense lawyers, the legal team at Parks & Braxton, PA is committed to helping those who have been accused of serious crimes – including vehicular manslaughter, felony DUI, DUI manslaughter, and multiple DUIs. If you've been accused of drunk driving, contact us today for the experienced, skilled, and effective criminal defense you need or fill out a free, no-obligation case evaluation to see what the firm can do for your case.
