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Attempted Carjacking Caught on Tape in Miami


The Miami-Dade Police were shocked and saddened when they watched surveillance footage from a parking garage at a Metrorail Station. In the parking garage, a man approached a 55-year-old woman and violently threatened her as he tried to steal her car. The victim, Keven Mayo, was walking towards her vehicle when two men pushed her between two vehicles in the busy parking lot and tried to take her purse.

One attacker stomped Mayo on the head while the other took her purse, including her cell phone and keys, and tried to start her vehicle. Mayo ran from the scene and called the police as fast as possible. The men fled the scene when Mayo was able to get a hold of a phone and call 911. Police found her car open with the keys in the ignition. There were no items taken from the vehicle.

Mayo was taken to a local hospital after the attack, where she was treated for her injuries. She is now recovering at her home. Many women who have to park in the Metro station parking garage say that they have been scared that something similar may happen to them. They describe the garage as dark and often vacant. While there are normally plenty of cars around, there are often no people in the stacked lots.

There is also not a lot of security employed to rove the structure, which leads to a lack of safety measures for women like Mayo. The police have yet to find the men who were involved in the attack. They are searching for two African-American males between the ages of 20 and 25. When they wrangle suspects, the police will most likely ask Mayo to come the police station and identify her attackers. Sometimes, disoriented witnesses will get it wrong. This can be terrifying for an innocent who was caught up in a line-up. If you have been falsely accused of attempted carjacking, battery, or another serious crime, then talk to a lawyer at Parks & Braxton for representation!