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South Florida Police Arrested for Beating Immigrants


Three Florida police in the Miami area have recently been charged with a series of immigrant beatings after a year of investigation on the matter. The Bradenton Herald declares that the Homestead Police Sergeant Jeffery Rome beat two men outside of a bar last year in Miami, and also used pepper spray on other immigrants without any provocation. Because the immigrants were not acting in an unruly way, Rome will face charges of battery, assault, and elder abuse. He is also facing trial for obstructing a fireman who rushed to intervene in the situation and falsely imprisoning the individuals. Another Miami officer named Giovanni Soto has also been charged with battery after he hit immigrants out of anger. Another Sergeant was charged with misdemeanor crimes when she tried to cover up one of the incidents.

A Miami prosecuting attorney issued a statement saying that they are heavily against any sort of police brutality, and that the state is working with the U.S. Department of Justice to determine the appropriate sentence for the crimes. The FBI was a key component to the investigations. One of the sergeants is claiming that she was intoxicated at the Latin bar where the beatings took place, which is why she assaulted an immigrant in the bar. Her defense attorney says that Ms. Deegan did all of the right things, including taking pictures of her victim’s injuries and getting him medical attention as soon as possible. Sergeant Rome supposedly hurt a 26-year-old farmer from Guatemala when he sprayed him with the strongest pepper spray and tear gas mix that is sold for non-military use. According to the allegations, Rome continued to spray the man even has he tried to escape from the painful spray. If you have been a victim of false imprisonment, then talk to a criminal defense attorney. Someone at our Miami firm may be able to help you lessen or eradicate your sentence!
