Miami police began upholding the teen curfew on Wednesday, but the crackdown isn't related to recent shootings. According to the Miami Police department, officers will start enforcing the Miami-Dade 11 p.m. – 6 a.m. curfew Sundays through Thursdays. The curfew on Friday and Saturday night is from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. A spokesman for the police department said that the curfew has been enforced a few times over the past several years. He said, "It's normally done when kids are out of school, and we've done it before….usually during the summer months. That's why kids tend to say out later and later." The department offered to explanation as to why the curfew will be enforced this time – except that students will on spring break soon. Teens may be exempt to the curfew if they are accompanied by an adult (21+ years old), a parent, or a legal guardian. To learn more about crime and criminal defense in Miami-Dade County, contact us!